Please use our freight calculator which is available in the shopping cart.

Delivery normally takes 3-5 working days but if you have special requirements please call or e-mail us.

You will receive an order confirmation immediately, then we will notify you by e-mail or text when you can expect you delivery.  NB Large items ship by courier and smaller items such as fixings will be delivered by Royal Mail.

You will receive and invoice receipt upon order.


Payment is taken immediately through our secure payment system.

Proin vel nunc non curabitur nullam suspendisse potenti lacinia in duis neque tempor a felis sit parturient placerat suspendisse primis.

Condimentum parturient aenean aliquam quis auctor dictumst condimentum nec ad non urna accumsan hendrerit pretium potenti adipiscing adipiscing a sapien hendrerit ullamcorper accumsan risus mi et porta.

Ac et condimentum potenti condimentum.

If you need to cancel or amend your order please contact us at the earliest opportunity.

This is only available with some couriers and enables you to track your shipment.